'Intention' in Acting Masterclass
Gain Limitless creative freedom on stage and the screen. Achieve a deeper connection with your audience
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I know what it’s like when you feel stuck with a character and you don't see how you can develop it further. Can it grow anymore? Can you do better with what you've got? And then you watch your performances dry out, lose impact with each repetition and turn lifeless. It feels like an uphill battle.
Fortunately, it doesn't need to be like that for you.
Many Actors/Actresses once they reach this stage they stop growing in the mastery of the Acting Craft, they simply believe that's as far as they can go and they miss out on the amazing experience of diving into true mastery in Acting and the indescribable fulfilment that comes with it.
Stagnation Shows up in so many ways that most people don't like to talk about:
The Main Problems and Frustrations Stagnation Causes are ...
2. You are not confident in your talents and abilities or that you are good enough using your techniques and methods.
3. You feel that you are not good enough even if your get great feedback, so you decide you will fake it until you make it.
4. Your performances are 'randomly' good or randomly Stale, Repetitive Dry Energy-less. You can never predict success. You simply can't be sure of how it will go. You have no control.
5. You feel something 'Eating away' at your confidence with each repetition.
6. You are inexperienced and lack practice because you don't have a good Acting Craft Mastery Discipline in place.
7. Almost unaware, you sabotage your own potential simply because you don't know that it is possible to reach higher levels of mastery.
Insecurity about how your Audience's Reaction
Believing you are Not Good Enough. Not knowing how to be 100% confident.
Freezing, Forgetting or Feeling Embarrassed on Stage.
Inability to find the Energy of the scene when you need it.
Sitting in your Comfort Zone when unsure of how to progress.
A growing and deeper sense of lack of confidence take hold of you.
You quit your Acting Dreams with the excuse that it is too hard to make it.
Do you know that your Limitless Creative Freedom will lead you onto achieving highest Levels of Acting Craft Mastery?
The Power of Intention Principle:
"Life will give you everything you intend to have if you are convinced without reservation that it is rightfully yours.
Your choice is law, subject to unconditional fulfilment. Freedom of choice, the determination to have is created by the energy of Intention"
you learn how to masterfully apply the Power of Intention Principle to your Acting and your acting career. I have designed a specific training programme including this Masterclass
Power of Intention in Acting
and the a Full Course for you…
'Intention' in Acting: 5 Method Acting and Physical Theatre Techniques to apply the Power of Intention in the Mastery of Emotions in Acting
Power of Intention in Acting Masterclass
The #1 Secret to getting exactly what you want out of every performance.
With this Masterclass I bring to you …
Inexperience and lack of practice turn into Acting Maturity and “Tables” without expending lots of money in training or booking a lifetime of experience in Acting jobs.
How to gain access to limitless creative freedom in your performances even when you are inexperienced.
Learn to have the ability to always create fresh and anew on stage even when working on a piece repeatedly.
How to always predict your next grand performance with absolute confidence and certainty even if you thought it’s up to luck.
Learn about what’s your path towards Acting Mastery with this simple technique.
Forget relying on luck or any other random circumstances to always have stellar performances and enjoy them throughly.
Learn single biggest mistake Actors/Actresses make, thinking that will help them improve but instead, it rips off their confidence making them feel inadequate.
I have invested in training, and in many years of coaching and even more years working in the Entertainment Industry.
Now I can bring this knowledge to you at a fraction of the price I’ve paid and I can share “first hand” insight on how this works to maximise your advancement and success.
Here is some little known information most acting coaches don’t even know…
In my 25 years in the Entertainment, Arts and Education Industries, I developed several acting courses, method acting coaching programs and training for Actors while I also ...
I Graduated from Middlesex University with a BA in Acting degree.
I taught English, Drama and Acting for the Camera for 15 years.
I am a film producer with several exciting projects on the making.
I have researched and written about the Arts and the Education Industries as a journalist.
I Founded School of Theatre Acting School in 2008 which became increasingly popular in Spain.
I have taught thousands of acting students through the School of Theatre and Actors Act Academy
I Completed an MA in Filmmaking degree from Kingston University.
I Worked on Casting Several Films and Short films including the Hollywood film “Wrath of Titans II”.
I have Written and Directed Eight Short Films.
I have written screenplays for several feature films all currently at different stages of development.
I'm producing my first feature Montana Mischief.
Most Importantly, I have overcome any and all my fears in Acting due to my Self-Discoveries in Acting Craft Mastery.
Don't worry. You don't have to do any of that to get the knowledge you need. I'm giving it to you. I’m going to tell you everything!
because you are getting this masterclass at an insignificant price in comparison with the expertise, and the experience that's embedded in it.
This Masterclass alone will transform your life and give you a grand upgrade on your path to Acting Craft Mastery.
What You’ll Learn...
- How to master the power of Intention in Acting to achieve freedom of creativity and deeply connect with your audience in as little as a second into your scene.
- The quick and easy way to create afresh and in the moment everytime you are up Acting – it works so well you’ll swear it must be magic!
- You’ll discover the ridiculously easy way to know and accomplish your character's purpuse for the secene at different levles to impact the audience – even if you don’t know any other technique on how to achive the desired impact.
- How to quickly recognize and avoid repetitive, stale, energyless performances and learn to identify why this actually happens.
- Why it’s NOT your fault if you don't feel fully free to express yourself truthfully through acting yet– and what you can do starting today to gain freedom and 10 x Confidence.
Your Instructor
I’m an Actress, Acting and Acting Career Coach, Award-winning Film Producer. I have a great passion for helping Acting professionals achieve Acting Mastery. My acting courses, workshops and One on One coaching sessions are designed to help you at any stage in your career
I was born in Spain, Valencia. I was raised in the Canary Islands, Las Palmas and in London, England, I am Spanish-British, from Reading UK. I have worked in theatre, cinema and TV in Spain and in England. My background has taught me the importance and vitality of being an individual. Treasuring and honouring your uniqueness is key to achieving everything you want.
From this point of view and realisation, you become aware that there is no competition in this industry, because no one can compete with your uniqueness. You are your greatest asset.
Some people have the false belief that one has to be “lucky”. Success has nothing to do with luck. It's all about, belief in self, correct guidance and acting craft mastery. The empowerment that comes from this is all you need.
My students go deep into each character/monologue they dive in Method Acting techniques. They come out of the courses/coaching sessions utterly transformed with a level of versatility, concentration and characterisation mastery, method acting tools command, creative and emotional freedom and a deeper connection with themselves and their audiences. Their confidence skyrockets so does their ability, disposition, drive, determination and inspiration to fulfil their career dreams.
Over the last 15 years as an Acting Coach and Course Creator, I have learnt that most actors approach their career path the wrong way. Usually following the pathways encouraged to the masses and doing what everyone else is doing, thus getting what everyone else is getting: 'Very little'.
In this profession, it is imperative to know your 'why'. To have a clear vision of what is your mission, purpose. For that all you need is to answer the question: What are you most truly and deeply passionate about? That is your mission, that’s how you begin to unveil your purpose and to pursue your innermost desires with laser focussed heart driven determination that sets you “in-flow” with the Universe and you become unstoppable when you are doing what you are supposed to be doing.
Everyone can achieve exactly what they want. If what you want is to become as masterful Actor/Actress and to take full control of your Acting Career you are in the right place. Acting professionals need much more support than has been available up to now, and the tools to build up their confidence and their career are right here. I have created several Acting Mindset Mastery courses and Advanced Acting Training coaching which you can join at any stage of your career even if you are a beginner or just trying out for the first time.
This is a creative, motivational and inspirational labour of passion. The skillfully crafted techniques will take you on an inspirational journey giving you the right tools to help you succeed as an actor. It was a wonderful experience to see myself transform into an artist fully in command of my skills and abilities, with the tools to continue growing and expanding and finally realising that it was always up to me. Sylvia introduced me to my inner power and gave me the tools to Masterfully direct that power in my journey to fulfilment in my career. I can't get over how happy I'm about my work and how much I feel that "I've got this"
Natasha Khan
This "life" principle touches all bases for anyone inspired to be in the acting profession. Sylvia's presentation of the Power of Intention in Acting is carefully laid out, with Method Acting and diversity of Acting techniques that solidify the application of the principle in your work. This is beyond wonderful when the work is creative. All the video presentations inspired me, and I was shocked to realise that something so important in life was missing until then. Sylvia has so much to offer to anyone who wants to succeed.
Catz Tamara
Rarely have I seen a tool that completely embraces the spark for ingenuity. It feeds the soul and imagination and leaves room for Uniqueness. Every day held a thought-provoking triumph. Thank you, Sylvia and kudos for your innovative Acting Mastery Coaching tools; I loved using the power of Intention in Acting in combination with the Creative's Inspiration Source. Heart-based Coaching for a heart-based life.
Lori Solamente
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